English way down.

Na tleh
zemeljska koncertna predstava

Na tleh je odrsko delo ustvarjalk, sodelavk in dolgoletnih prijateljic Alenke Marinič in Maje Dekleva Lapajne. Je zemeljska koncertna predstava, ki na oseben in humoren način predeluje teme prekarstva, feminizma, dela, materinstva in bivanja v času poznega kapitalizma. Je iskriv glasbeno-gledališki dogodek, ki popisuje stanje in izreka očitno, ki bolj kot rešitve pušča odprt prostor za skupnostno vpraševanje in ki išče igrivost v še tako temačnih in težkih časih.

Ustvarjalki se preko glasbeno-gledališkega materiala poigravata z različnimi temami, ki jih ponuja besedna zveza “na tleh”. Preko prispodobe tal se dotikata tem izčrpanosti, obupa in brezizhodnosti. Obležanja na tleh v času brutalnega in stopnjujočega kapitalizma, podnebnih sprememb, vele moči korporacij in rezov na področju socialnih ugodnosti. Po drugi strani pa tla razumeta tudi kot prizemljenost in kot oporo, na kateri lahko trdno stojimo in kar nam daje možnost odriva in posledično upora. Nenazadnje so tla tudi možnost novega življenja, zemlja, iz katere klijejo nove zamisli in prostori.

Na tleh je drugi del trilogije uprizoritvenih umetnic Maje Dekleva Lapajne in Alenke Marinič. Leta 2017 sta vstopili v predstavo in glasbeni album Pod vodo in kmalu zatem zasnovali trilogijo skupnega ustvarjanja: Pod vodo, Na tleh, V zraku. Sanjata tudi o epilogu Pod zemljo, ki ga morebiti izvede samo še ena od njiju ali pa se zgodi brez njune fizične prisotnosti na tem svetu.

Soavtorstvo, izvedba: Maja Dekleva Lapajne, Alenka Marinič
Kostumografija in scenografija: Katarina Zalar
Svetovanje za gib: DISKOlektiv
Svetovanje za glas: Irena Tomažin
Prevod v angleščino: Jedrt Maležič
Tehnično vodstvo in oblikovanje svetlobe: Špela Škulj
Izvršna produkcija: Urška Jež
Produkcija: Mesto žensk
Koprodukcija: CUK Kino Šiška, DU Narobov
Podpora: Ministrstvo za kulturo, Mestna občina Ljubljana

English right here.

On the Ground
an earthly concert performance

On the Ground is a stage work by two performing artists, co-workers and long-time friends Alenka Marinič and Maja Dekleva Lapajne. It is fusion between a concert and a performance, which in a personal and humorous way processes the themes of precarity, feminism, work, motherhood, speed-oriented life, lack of deceleration and living in the time of late capitalism. It is a sparkling music-theatre event that takes stock and states the obvious. An event that leaves open space for communal questioning rather than offering solutions. A performance that seeks playfulness in even the darkest and most difficult of times.

The performers play with the various themes offered by the phrase "on the ground". Through the metaphor of laying on the ground, they touch upon the themes of exhaustion and despair. The hopelessness in the time of brutal and escalating capitalism, climate change, corporate super-power and cuts in social benefits. On the other hand, the artists understand the ground as a firm support on which we can stand strongly and which gives us the possibility of pushing off and, consequently, of resisting. Last but not least, the ground is also the possibility of new life, the soil from which new ideas and spaces are sprouting.

On the Ground is the second part of a trilogy by Maja Dekleva Lapajne and Alenka Marinič. In 2017, they entered the performance and music album Underwater and soon afterwards conceived a trilogy of their collaborative work: Underwater, On the Ground, In the Air. They also dream of an epilogue, Underground, which might be performed by just one of them or happens without their physical presence in this world.

Concept and performing: Maja Dekleva Lapajne, Alenka Marinič
Costume and set design: Katarina Zalar
Artistic support for movement: DISCOllective
Artistic support for voice: Irena Tomažin
Translation to English: Jedrt Maležič
Technical directing and light design: Špela Škulj
Executive producers: Urška Jež, Eva Prodan
Production: City of Women
Co-production: CUK Kino Šiška, DU Narobov
Support: The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, The Municipality of Ljubljana