Community - scroll down for English
Mednarodna improvizacijska poslastica, kjer se na odru srečajo umetniki iz sedmih držav. Ustvarjalci iz različnih kulturnih, ekonomskih, političnih in tudi umetniških okolij, se posvečajo tematiki skupnosti. Prvi primer za igrivo raziskavo je kot na dlani - mednarodna skupnost gledaliških improvizatorjev. Ali pa kar skupnost ljudi, ki se zanimajo za tovrstno umetniško ustvarjanje in se med drugim srečajo prav na tem dogodku.
Življenje v sodobnih oblikah kapitalizma postaja nevzdržno. In Evropska unija, kjer živijo ustvarjalci predstave, ni izjema. Ena od strategij preživetja je, da gradimo in na vse pretege ščitimo male skupnosti, ki nam ponujajo drugačne odnose. Z umetniškim delovanjem ne moremo in tudi nimamo namena proizvajati velikih družbenih sprememb, lahko pa naredimo prostor za kolektivno ustvarjanje, prostor, v katerem je mogoče preživeti in se pri tem celo dobro imeti.
Skupaj bomo, performerke in performerji ter gledalke in gledalci, preživeli le dve uri, a to še ni razlog, da se ne bi dotaknili pomembnega človeškega vprašanja – kako si pravzaprav želimo živeti skupaj? Vsak trenutek je dober trenutek za to vprašanje in spotoma lahko iščemo odgovore.
Predstava Skupnost je nastala v okviru večjega mednarodnega projekta Our Lives.
Zamisel in režija: Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Igra in soavtorstvo: Alenka Marinič, Alexander Georgiev Mitrev, Beatrix Brunschko, Gilles Delvaulx, Audrius Bružas, Mia Møller
Glasba v živo in soavtorstvo: Hannu Risku
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Borut Cajnko, Torsten Litschko
Umetniško posvetovanje: Christoph Jungmann, Matthieu Loos, Michaela Puchalková
Izvršna producenta: Marie Wellmann, Juš Milčinski
Produkcija: Družina umetnosti Narobov
Koprodukcija: Zavod Federacija, Gorilla Theater, Combats Absurdes, Česká improvizační liga
Sodelovanje: KC Španski borci, English Theatre Berlin
Podpora: program Evropske unije Ustvarjalna Evropa, Mestna občina Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za kulturo
Predstava Skupnost črpa navdih in nadalje razvija zamisli in metode, uporabljene v predstavah Zadnja želja in Skupnost na festivalih Goli oder in Improtheaterfestival Würzburg. Iskrena zahvala vsem soustvarjalcem predstav: Amy Moule, Amy Shostak, Borut Bučinel, Borut Cajnko, Daniel Orrantia, Eva Jus, Evren Gülseven, Goran Završnik, Gregor Moder, Hannu Risku, Heather Urquhart, Inbal Lori, Jan Hrušovar, Jim Libby, Juš Milčinski, Katarina Veselko, Keng-Sam Chane Chick Té, Koray Bülent Tarhan, Lee White, Lena Försch, Marko Mayerl, Mistral Majer, Olivija Grafenauer, Peter Frankl, Sara Šoukal, Sarah Michaelson, Thorsten Brand, Tomaž Lapajne Dekleva, Vid Sodnik, Zeynep Özyurt Tarhan
Thomas Jäkel: Our Lives Community oder die Wucht der Fragen
Thomas Jäkel Community und die Wahrheit im Scheitern
Samo Oleami: Political framed by the personal, that is framed by the artistic
Samo Oleami and Maja Dekleva Lapajne: Intervju na Radiu Študent
Life in contemporary forms of capitalism is becoming unbearable and one of the strategies of survival is to develop and protect at all costs small communities that offer us different relations. With art we cannot cause and do not aim at causing great social changes but we can make room for collective creation, a space where it is possible to survive and even have a good time. Every moment is worth asking a very important human question "How do we actually want to live together?". And by doing so, we are finding answers on the way.
Community is a performance devised within the international project Our Lives, a project running from 2017 till 2019 dealing with the topic of lives and ways of living within Europe through artistic means of theatre improvisation. It is a stage piece that involves artists from 7 different European countries, performers from different cultural, economic and political environments, also with different political standpoints. Within their stage piece they are opening societal and political topics, dealing with them not from a general or theoretical entry point, but through personal experiences and stories of the performers and through the relationships they have with each other.
It is an improvisational piece with a strong artistic vision, devised and performed by international masters of improvisation, combining physical theatre, clowning, dance, sounding, music, various improvisational backgrounds and the passion for exploring the idea of community. Community is an artistic response to the Europe of today where the nationalism and xenophobia are rising, the right wing populism is strong, inequalities are growing, international corporations are gaining power over governments, environmental and human catastrophies are at the doorstep, physical and mental fences are being built all around. Community is a piece about cocreation, collaboration and coexistence between people of different cultural, economic and political backgrounds.
Director and co-author: Maja Dekleva Lapajne
Performers and co-authors: Alenka Marinič, Alexander Georgiev Mitrev, Beatrix Brunschko, Gilles Delvaulx, Audrius Bružas, Mia Møller
Live music composer and co-author: Hannu Risku
Light designers: Borut Cajnko, Torsten Litschko
Executive producers: Marie Wellmann, Juš Milčinski
Artistic counsellors: Christoph Jungmann, Matthieu Loos, Michaela Puchalková, Samo Oleami, Gregor Kamnikar
Production: Družina umetnosti Narobov
Coproduction: Zavod Federacija, Gorilla Theater, Combats Absurdes, Česká improvizační liga
Support: Creative Europe programme of the European Union, The Municipality of Ljubljana, The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Community reviews
Thomas Jäkel: Our Lives Community oder die Wucht der Fragen
Thomas Jäkel Community und die Wahrheit im Scheitern
Samo Oleami: Political framed by the personal, that is framed by the artistic
Samo Oleami and Maja Dekleva Lapajne, Interview on Radio Študent